KTW Journal
Welcome to Keep Tassie Wild's home for nature writing.
The turning of the Fagus!
Not only is Nothofagus gunnii the only deciduous tree on the island, it is endemic too! This means it...
WILD LIGHT – A photographic walk through the wilderness with Grant Dixon
When it comes to Tassie photographers, few have ventured further or produced such an array of work as Grant Dixon.
Nature Nerd Field Guides - Dolerite
There are so many things that make Tasmania special. But would any of us single out a rock?
The Battlements of Cape Raoul
Ben Walter investigates the destruction of Cape Raoul's stunning dolerite cliffs by trigger happy navy crews.
Tasmanian writer and storyteller Bert Spinks reflects on the mystical qualities of The Walls, and what we have to lose.
Tasmania – a global refuge, a global destination
Despite the crowds brought in by Tassie’s recent tourism boom, Tasmania is a destination for more than just humans...
5 Books with James Hattam
Conservation ecologist James Hattam walks us through his top five favourite books.
...to learn of the pines, go to the pines.
Liam Briginshaw wanders past the shufflin' orchids to visit the pines.
Winter in the West
A trip to the Western Arthurs. By Mingma Sherpa
Dots in the Dark - Wild and Rare
Take a walk with Jamie Kirkpatrick to discover the rare wonders of Tasmania's alpine regions.
Keep Tassie Wild's Larapuna Patch!
Did you know Larapuna is the Aboriginal name for the area of Tasmania's north-east coast that includes Eddystone P...
Mt Geryon
Mt Geryon patch available now! - Bert Spinks muses on this mighty mountain and the mythical beast that shares it's name.